Package Wastewater Treatment Units
Biological Treatment methods are utilized for sewage Treatment plants. Biological Treatment Process depends on bacteria which converts the organics (pollutants) to harmless by products or new bacteria cells without using any chemicals. Typical STP consists of screening, grit removal, primary sedimentation, aeration, secondary clarification, disinfection and sludge handling facilities. STP can be made of concrete or steel construction (package type).
Physical, chemical and / or biological Treatment methods are utilized in industrial wastewater Treatment. Construction alternatives of industrial wastewater treatment plant are concrete, steel, plastics (PE, PP, etc). Jar test (treatability of wastewater) studies are carried out in our own laboratory facility for varying wastewater sources. So far optimum chemical types, dosing amounts and other operational actions are determined for actual plant design. Industrial wastewater treatment plants can be made of concrete or steel / plastics (PE, PP) construction (package type).